Modern Surgical Pathology
By:"Noel Weidner","Richard J. Cote","Saul Suster","Lawrence M. Weiss"
Modern Surgical Pathology, 2nd Edition presents today's most complete, current, and practical assistance in evaluating and signing out surgical specimens. Nearly 3,000 high-quality color pathology images provide a crystal-clear basis for comparison to any sample you see under the microscope. Clinical, gross, microscopic, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetic features are integrated as appropriate for all tumors and tumor-like lesions, addressing all of the investigative contexts relevant to formulating an accurate diagnosis. Edited by four leading surgical pathologists - Noel Weidner, MD, Richard J. Cote, MD, Saul Suster, MD and Lawrence M. Weiss, MD - with contributions from more than 70 other experts, Modern Surgical Pathology, 2nd Edition delivers the well-rounded, well-organized, richly illustrated, user-friendly guidance you need to efficiently arrive at confident diagnoses for even the most challenging lesions. Contributions from many leading surgical pathologists give you well-rounded, expert answers to any question that you may face. Clinical, gross, microscopic, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetic features are correlated as appropriate for every type of surgical pathology specimen, addressing all of the investigative contexts relevant to formulating an accurate diagnosis and thereby ensuring a completely accurate surgical report. Nearly 3,000 brand-new, high-quality color pathology images provide a crystal-clear basis for comparison to any specimen you see under the microscope. A completely rewritten section on the female reproductive tract offers many more illustrations of common entities to help you more easily distinguish between tumors and tumor-like lesions. Expanded coverage of non-neoplastic diseases and disorders makes it easier to recognize benign conditions that can mimic malignancy. The latest classification schemes and criteria for malignancy, incorporated throughout, enable you to include the most current gradings in your reports. A new, more consistent organization explores anatomy/histology, gross and microscopic appearance, adjunct techniques, diagnosis, and differential diagnosis for each neoplastic or non-neoplastic lesion, facilitating rapid consultation in the reporting room. An increased number of differential diagnosis and classification tables expedite diagnosis.
This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword Genetic Diseases of the Kidney.
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