Understand The Weather: Teach Yourself

Understand The Weather: Teach Yourself
By:"Peter Inness"
Published on 2010-08-27 by Teach Yourself

Understand the Weather is a comprehensive and practical guide to the workings of the atmosphere. It will ensure that you not only understand what causes changes in the weather on a local, national and global scale but that you can also fully interpret weather broadcasts and are able to make your own predictions. Packed full of case studies, this book will explain both the weather we experience daily (winds, cold fronts, rain and shine) and the extreme weather that makes the headlines all too often (El Nino, Hurricane Katrina, floods). It will also focus on climate change and its effects - how will our weather be different in the future? Whether your job or leisure pursuits rely on the weather, or you just want to understand more about it, this book is ideal. NOT GOT MUCH TIME? One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started. AUTHOR INSIGHTS Lots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience. EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGE Extra online articles at www.teachyourself.com to give you a richer understanding. FIVE THINGS TO REMEMBER Quick refreshers to help you remember the key facts. TRY THIS Innovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.

This Book was ranked 15 by Google Books for keyword Weather to Energy.

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