Glam! An Eyewitness Account
By:"Mick Rock"
\u0093Glam was about make-up, mirrors and androgyny. It was narcissistic, obsessive, decadent and subversive. It was bohemian, but also strangely futuristic. It was Oscar Wilde meets A Clockwork Orange. It was a mutant bastard offspring of glitter. But while glitter was sparkling distraction, glam was anarchy in drag. It was sexy, glamorous, on the edge. It was the moment hippie finally died. It was absolutely rock\u0092n\u0092roll. But it was also fashion, art, theatre, lifestsyle. It was gay, straight, multisexual. It was totally titillating and absolutely naughty. Everybody held hands with everybody, kissed everybody, went home with everybody. It was an age of accelerated discovery, when all the kinks of sexual yearning were flushed out. It was absolutely self-indulgent and it was ridiculously camp. It was a time we thought would never end. A time so long ago now it seems like a dream. But it wasn\u0092t and I have the pictures to prove it.\u0094 -Mack Rock
This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword A Little Bit Rock & Roll by EM Leya.
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