Ecological Models for Regulatory Risk Assessments of Pesticides

Ecological Models for Regulatory Risk Assessments of Pesticides
By:"Pernille Thorbek","Valery E. Forbes","Fred Heimbach","Udo Hommen","Hans-Hermann Thulke","Paul van den Brink","Jörn Wogram","Volker Grimm"
Published on 2009-11-24 by CRC Press

Bringing together more than thirty influential regulators, academics, and industry scientists, Ecological Models for Regulatory Risk Assessments of Pesticides: Developing a Strategy for the Future provides a coherent, science-based view on ecological modeling for regulatory risk assessments. It discusses the benefits of modeling in the context of registrations, identifies the obstacles that prevent ecological modeling being used routinely in regulatory submissions, and explores the actions needed to overcome these obstacles. The book focuses on the following issues: Uncertainties in the process of model development, such as design, analysis, documentation, and communication The availability of data and background information needed for optimal modeling The limited knowledge of modeling The lack of confidence in the outcome of ecological models and their reliability in pesticide risk assessment It also suggests future solutions to these challenges, including: A guidance document on the modeling process Case studies that show how ecological models can provide reliable ecologically relevant risk assessments Training the people who generate or evaluate results obtained by ecological models Focusing on ecological models, such as unstructured population models, stage-structured matrix models, and individual- or agent-based models, this volume helps regulatory authorities, manufacturers, and scientists assess the risk of plant protection products in nontarget organisms. Armed with this knowledge, readers will better understand the challenges of using ecological modeling in the regulatory process.

This Book was ranked 6 by Google Books for keyword Ecological Model Types.

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