The Novel Cure

The Novel Cure
By:"Ella Berthoud & Susan Elderkin"

Published on 2014-08-01 by Roli Books Private Limited

Whether you have a stubbed toe or a stubborn case of the blues, within these pages you\u0092ll find a cure in the form of a novel \u0096 or a combination of novels \u0096 to help ease your pain. You\u0092ll also find advice on how to tackle common reading ailments \u0096 such as what to do when you feel overwhelmed by the number of books in the world, or if you have a tendency to give up halfway through. When read at the right moment in your life, a novel can \u0096 quite literally \u0096 change it, and The Novel Cure is a reminder of that power. Written with authority, passion and wit, here is a fresh approach to finding new books to read, and an enchanting way to revisit the books on your shelves.

This Book was ranked 13 by Google Books for keyword Beside the Sea by Véronique Olmi.

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