Thoughts for the Soul
By:"David Greiner"
Thoughts for the Soul is filled with personal stories and life observations aimed at encouraging all with the knowledge that God can be heard and seen in the seemingly insignificant happenings of day-to-day life. The entertaining tales found within its pages are comfortingly human, and yet they open our eyes to God's desire to reveal Himself and His astonishing love for us every day. Though written by a pastor to his congregation, these stories are offered to all who have even a whisper of interest in how God relates to us. Each story closes with the encouragement that Pastor David is with you in your pursuit of a meaningful spirituality. He writes not as one who has all the answers but as a fellow explorer, each day trying to see and hear from God concerning the good He has planned for us.
This Book was ranked 18 by Google Books for keyword pray-for-a-brave-heart.
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