Allusion in A. S. Byatt's Fiction
By:"Sally J. Braun-Jackson"
This study delineates A.S. Byatt's use of allusion over the course of her literary career. From the tentative attempts in The Shadow of the Sun to the elaborate patterns of allusions in Possession, Byatt has continually experimented with the device with surprising effects. A.S. Byatt employs allusion in the early stages of her career sparingly, but gradually incorporates more complex references as her technical skill matures. Although Byatt's mid-career novel, Possession, is best-known for its many allusions to nineteenth-century literary figures and for Byatt's insertion of poems, journals and prose, she has experimented with all of these elements in each of her earlier novels.
This Book was ranked 37 by Google Books for keyword Babel Tower by AS Byatt.
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