Rose's Strategy of Preventive Medicine
By:"Geoffrey Arthur Rose","Kay-Tee Khaw","M. G. Marmot"
The Strategy of Preventive Medicine, by Geoffrey Rose, published in 1993 and remains the classic text for anyone involved in preventive medicine. It puts forward the theory that the essential determinants of the health of society are to be found in its mass characteristics. The deviant minority can only be understood when seen in its societal context, and effective prevention requires changes which involve the population as a whole. He explores the options forprevention of both common medical and behavioural disorders, illustrating his ideas by a variety of examples ranging from heart disease to alcoholism and road accidents. This reissue brings the originaltext to a new generation involved in preventive medicine. Khaw and Marmot retain the original text intact, but have added their own perspective on the work. They examine what relevance Rose's ideas might have in the era of the human genome project and other major scientific advances, they consider examples of how the theory might be applied and generalised in medicine and beyond, and they discuss what implications it holds for the future. Rose's Strategy of Preventive Medicine will ensure thatthis seminal work continues to be read by future generations involved in preventive medicine.
This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword A Civil Action by Jonathan Harr.
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