The Cirque Du Freak - Demonata Characters

The Cirque Du Freak - Demonata Characters
By:"Source: Wikia"
Published on 2012-03 by Books LLC, Wiki Series

This book consists of articles from Wikia or other free sources online. Pages: 34. Chapters: Amargen, Artery, Bartholomew Garadex, Beranabus, Beranabus's father, Billy Spleen, Brigitta, Brude, Cadaver, Cadaver, Cal Grady, Casper Grady, Character Appearances in The Demonata, Cretin, Curly, Davida Haym, Death, Dervish Grady, Doctor Slaughter, Drust, Femur, Fiachna, Gregor, Gret Grady, Grubbs Grady, Kernel Fleck, Kirilli Kovacs, Lambs, Larry, Loch Gossel, Lord Loss, Lord Sheftree, Meera Flame, Mike, Minotaur, Moe, Mr. Mauch, Mrs. Gossel, Nadia Moore, Perula Athim, Prae Athim, Raz Warlo, Reni Gossel, Shark, Sharmila Mukherji, Sharon Grady, Spine, The Disciples, Theseus, Timas Brauss, Unnamed elderly disciple, Vein. Excerpt: Abraham Garadex was the son of Bartholomew Garadex. Aednat was Bec's mother who died after giving birth to Bec. Prior to that, she killed her husband, Struan. Aideen was Bec's aunt. Her sister was Bec's mother, Aednat. Amargen is a member of the McConn rath. He had a wife and five children, whom were all killed by demons. On the night of his final son Ninian's death, Amargen went crazy with grief. He stole a chariot and the McConn's final horse. Conn tried to stop him, but Amargen threatened him. He went after the Demonata on the chariot, but was killed by them. (\

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