Improving Infrared-Based Precipitation Retrieval Algorithms Using Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery

Improving Infrared-Based Precipitation Retrieval Algorithms Using Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery
By:"Nasrin Nasrollahi"
Published on 2014-11-07 by Springer

This thesis transforms satellite precipitation estimation through the integration of a multi-sensor, multi-channel approach to current precipitation estimation algorithms, and provides more accurate readings of precipitation data from space. Using satellite data to estimate precipitation from space overcomes the limitation of ground-based observations in terms of availability over remote areas and oceans as well as spatial coverage. However, the accuracy of satellite-based estimates still need to be improved. The approach introduced in this thesis takes advantage of the recent NASA satellites in observing clouds and precipitation. In addition, machine-learning techniques are also employed to make the best use of remotely-sensed \

This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword Satellite Soil Moisture Retrieval.

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