Evergreen: A Guide to Writing with Readings
By:"Susan Fawcett"
With carefully crafted instruction, engaging student models, and plentiful practice exercises, this best-selling text continues to provide the most effective paragraph-essay level writing instruction available. EVERGREEN is structured around Susan Fawcett’s proven MAP (model-analysis-practice) format--a careful, guiding pedagogy featuring minimal inductive instruction followed by varied practice designed to improve students’ confidence and learning outcomes. Known for its superior essay coverage, EVERGREEN demonstrates each of the nine rhetorical patterns with two student sample essays (one in the third person, and one in the first person), and a graphic organizer. New to the Tenth Anniversary Edition is coverage of personal error tracking, including a new chapter, pull-out chart, and integrated exercises for each grammar and spelling chapter to help students identify, track and correct their own errors. The new edition also features an even stronger emphasis on critical thinking, with more exercises on critical thinking and viewing, and many more Teaching Tips designed to prompt critical thinking. Five new readings include selections by Jhumpa Lahiri, Malcolm Gladwell, and Ellen Goodman. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections http://gocengage.com/infotrac. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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