Cultivating Effective Lawyer-juror Relationships
By:"Thomas Baggott","Richard H. Lucas","Stanley D. Davis","Thomas D. Beisecker"
As a trial lawyer, you know that your relationships with jurors extend far beyond jury selection. Your opening statements, examination of witnesses and closing arguments all involve opportunities to communicate with, and persuade, the jury. This book explains how to manage a jury and lead it to an appropriate understanding of your case. Cultivating Effictive Lawyer-Juror Relationships presents invaluable information and practical techniques essential for ensuring persuasive communications with a jury at every stage of the trial. Learn how pretrial research can improve your assessment of a case and the decision to settle or try the case. Also included are psychological insights into how jurors think and deliberate, tips on information management during jury selection, psychological principles useful in opening statements and closing arguments, and trial consultant work.
This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword the-juror.
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