My True Love
By:"Gee Smooth"
Who can find True Love? Love is what makes the world go round. The Bible says Jesus loves us because He died for us. In the world of today this is all we hear, so many dying either for Love or because of Love, their hurting in every arena of this world. The Entertainment world, Community world, Church world, and the Money world. You notice I didn't mention the Political world, why I'm not sure if it is a good idea, because thats a world No matter who's in the chair, No one will be pleased, as the saying goes, every man is for himself and God for us all. Everyone in what I see and know wants to be loved by someone or something. Who can find True Love? Let's start by defining the word True Love- One truly beloved or loving. * True- faithful, steadfast, loyal, honest, just- Truthful, consistent * Love- strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties, attraction based on sexual desires, an assurance of love,- The fatherly concern of God for humankind. We're all yearning for attention of love from either, a person whom we love, or care about, attached to and when we don't get, it leaves you feeling, sad, angry or self pity, now we end up doing something wrong to get it, maybe steal or kill. When I was a little girl coming up in the early 70's, I struggled with this. My parents was young trying to raise five kids or shall I say my mom because my dad was never there and when he was, he was very abusive. We lived in the projects and my mom was pregnant with my younger brother, with a broken leg, from him pushing her down the stairs. There was no love shown towards me or my siblings. I've never seen my mom and dad embrace each other with affection in any kind of way. What I do remember was my mom screaming from abuse, in which my sister picked up from my dad since she was the oldest. She fought with me and my brothers and the kids in the neighborhood, until we were able to fight back. The same things I see today, kids being bullied by someone who I feel whose suffering with a low self esteem, no love, no parents who care, no nothing, no community who cares, so they turn to the same people who feel the way they do, now, their murders, theves, gangstes, drug attics and drug dealers, prostitutes, molesters, so I ask, Who can find True Love? The book of John 3:16 (Amp) For God so greatly loved and desrly prized the world that He (even) gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life. His will for the us (world) is to live to the fill, to the full until it overflows, because he loves us just that much and I do know and believe anyone who wants and desire to be loved can find it. You can find a love thats so beautiful, so sweet, so loving, so pure, so true, so secured, throughout your life, a love that endures, a love thats unconditioned, it will make you, scream jump, hollar, run, moan, rock, shake and cry, it'll make you want to pull your hair out. This love will make you crave for a imitacy that you never felt before, it'll make you so high that you just can't get enough it, it'll have you up all times of night, it'll wash you until you look brand new, itll make you love like never before. It'll make you love like never before, so I ask again, Who can find True Love? When you think life is over thimk again, its not, its just begun. JEREMIAH 29-11 (Amp) For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. In your spare time when your feeling life is not fair for whatever reason, take a moment to read this. I was in this place of despair of rejection of loneliness, then a sweet voice inside spoke and said arise my daughter. He said I love you, dont worry. I was eight years old when I first heard God speak to me
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