Curse of the Broomstaff
By:"Tyler Whitesides"
Published on 2014-08-05 by Shadow Mountain
The secret society of janitors with wizard-like powers continue the battle, but now, the stakes are even higher. The Bureau of Educational Maintenance is after Alan Zumbro, and this time the evildoers mean business--deadly business. Spencer, Daisy, and their little team of Rebels must find the source of all magical Glop and destroy it before it can destroy the world as we know it. No small task with the BEM and its monster Toxites at their heels! It's a wild and dangerous ride as Spencer's friends follow the trail of clues all the way to the hiding place of the mysterious Aurans: guardians of a secret landfill. What they discover there will change the fate of the Rebels--and quite possibly that of the world.
This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword A Dash of Magic The Bliss Bakery by Kathryn Littlewood.
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