Library Data

Library Data
By:"Darby Orcutt"
Published on 2010 by ABC-CLIO

Numerical evidence is everywhere. And libraries are among the most abundant producers and storehouses of such evidence, as well as a key contact to numbers held elsewhere. But not all of this data is collected for the benefit of our users; some are integral to the functioning of the library itself. The papers in this collection run the gamut from library administrators addressing how to make data presentations appealing and effective, to an article on applying capital budgeting models to libraries, to a simple way to integrate Excel pivot tables with SQL stored procedures to create an amazingly elegant tool for vendor data analysis and visualization. They also cover specialized scenarios within, for example, the worlds of reference, collection development, serial acquisitions, web site design, and bibliographic instruction

This Book was ranked 9 by Google Books for keyword Maximizing Electronic Resources Management in Libraries.

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