This Is It

This Is It
Published on 2015-02-01 by Creative Publisher

What I am saying is to let existence be as it is! Please don't try to change it -- nobody has ever been able to change anything; change is one of the greatest illusions. The day you accept things as they are, you have become mature. It is simply childish to try to change them. People recognise it, but very late -- when the whole life has gone and they have wasted their whole life fighting and trying to change. When they are just going to die or just a few years are left, then they start recognising that nothing has happened, they have not been able to change anything. Only one thing has happened: trying to change they have wasted their life. They could have lived! Only people who don't want to change things are capable of living -- you cannot do both together. So make the best of it; whatsoever is available is available. This is the only world -- there is no other world -- and this moment's reality is this moment's reality. What is, is, and what ain't, ain't! Relax into it, accept it. Don't say that the mind goes astray. How can the mind go astray? Wherever it goes, it's okay, and whatsoever happens is good; that's how the whole is willing it to happen. Who are we to fight with it and how can we hope to succeed against the whole? The part cannot succeed against the whole. There is no goal and there is nowhere else to go -- this is it! – Osho This Is It!, ch. 1

This Book was ranked 22 by Google Books for keyword Books to Change Your Life by Osho.

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