Preparations for the Rio +20 Summit
By:"Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Environmental Audit Committee"
Published on 2011-10-26 by The Stationery Office
This report warns that the planet's environmental problems are now much more urgent than at the first Rio Summit in 1992. Safe limits on the amount of waste, pollution and biodiversity loss that natural systems can tolerate continue to be breached, undermining our ability to use natural resources to support further growth. The forthcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012, 'Rio+20' will take place 20 years after the pivotal Earth Summit there. It will focus on the 'green economy' and the relevant UN institutions. Engagement and discussion between Government and civil society groups, businesses and individuals, about the Summit's objective - to kick-start a renewed commitment to sustainable development - is vital. The Millennium Development Goals, which aimed to improve the quality of life of some of the world's poorest people, are unlikely to be met by their 2015 end-date and do not fully capture the sustainability challenges facing the world. The MPs recommend that new 'Goals' (Sustainability Goals and Consumption Goals) should be agreed at Rio+20, to shift the effort towards the sustainable development and sustainable consumption contributions that the UK and other developed countries now need to make. The Prime Minister should attend the conference in June to show the Government's commitment to the aims of Rio+20 within the UK and beyond. The Government should also appoint a 'special envoy' to engage the public and co-ordinate Government departments' inputs as part of an ongoing process: before, during and after the Summit itself.
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