Weaving Made Easy
By:"Liz Gipson"
Weaving Made Easy is the beginning weavers' ultimate guide to making fun, simple, and functional weaving projects from start to finish. It features seventeen simple projects made on the rigid heddle loom, a small, portable, and affordable weaving loom. Weaving Made Easy includes: A step-by-step guide on getting started weaving; weaving vocab 101, tools and materials explained, the basics of warp and weft, and how to start weaving Clear instructions for how to make various practical fabrics, from drapy to sturdy scarves and bags to belts, placemats, rugs, and more. Weaving Made Easy includes an abundance of tips and techniques for color, design, construction, and embellishment in weaving. With clear, concise step-by-step photographs and instructions, this is the ideal book for beginning weavers.
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