The Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge

Published on 2015-02-01 by Creative Publisher

Nilima means blueness. Blueness is a symbol for depth. The sky appears blue -- it only appears blue, it is not blue; it has no color. It appears blue because of infinite depth. That infinite depth creates the color blue. No other color represents depth as deeply as blue. That's why wherever the river is deep the water looks blue. Water has no color; if it is shallow it is not blue, but if it is deep it is blue. In the inner world also the symbol is applicable. When you look inside you will find infinite blueness, a new sky opening up with as many stars as outside, with as many suns and moons as outside. The mystics say that the outer sky is nothing compared to the inner: the inner is vaster, the inner is far more beautiful, tremendously so. And it is so -- I am a witness to it. Meditation is the way to go into that depth of your own interiority. And when you become silent, again you will feel a blueness vibrating inside you. Just as depth has the color of blue, silence also has the color of blue. It is soothing -- the very color of blue is soothing -- soothing to the eyes, soothing to the body, soothing to the being itself. With silence, the very word, you are reminded of something blue. And it also happens when you become inwardly alert, aware, that you start seeing a kind of blue flame between your two eyes; at the center of the third eye a blue flame is seen. That flame arises only when awareness deepens, when silence becomes natural. That's why Buddha is represented seated on a blue lotus, and Krishna is represented as blue colored. You cannot find anybody of blue color; there is no blue race in the world! Krishna cannot be historically really blue, unless he was suffering from blood disease or something. But he is represented as blue because of these three reasons: he has seen the inner sky in its totality; he has become utterly silent and has seen another aspect of blueness; and he has become fully aware, a Buddha. He has seen the blue light of his own being. These are the three faces of blueness. Hence I am keeping your name, not changing it. It is a beautiful name. Explore its meaning: not literally, not verbally, not intellectually, but existentially... – Osho The Rainbow Bridge, ch. 1

This Book was ranked 36 by Google Books for keyword Books to Change Your Life by Osho.

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