Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping
By:"Friend of Medjugorje"
After the French and Indian War (1763), the King of England disallowed an act made by the Colony of Virginia's assembly. In a lawsuit, a young lawyer by the name of Patrick Henry declared that the king was a tyrant and that by the act of disallowance, the king forfeited his right to have the colonists remain obedient to him. If the beginning steps that led to the formation of our nation started from such actions, which by comparison to our situation today, was much less grievous, how much more justified would citizens be in taking similar actions in our present situation? Patrick Henry's statement called for disallowing the legitimacy of the king to govern over them. What legitimacy, therefore, should we consider our government today to have that allows the formation of laws, which disallows natural law? Laws that take from citizens their private property, permit abortion and accept unnatural lifestyles. Laws against natural law are laws without legitimacy. We must ask the question, has the present system of electing and governing betrayed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? If it has, then are we not being led to the same conclusion as Patrick Henry????????????that the ruling government over us has made itself illegitimate? Has the present form of government hi-jacked our legitimate Declaration and Constitutional, Republic form of government? If we answer yes, then how will we respond? Will we follow the witness of our Forefathers who recognized that the king had forfeited the right to govern and therefore, forfeited the right to have the people remain obedient to him? Has the present form of government, which is acting against our republic and the will of the peopleit is suppose to represent, forfeited the right to govern? At what point do the words declared in the Declaration, \
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